Category: Projects



      Here you can listen to an Interview on “Radio Aktiv” about my Project about 300 Personalities of Bad Pyrmont Listen    

  • Exhibition..nature?!


    30.05.2020 – 3-07.2020 Painting, Installation, Photography and Collage Despite Corona the exibition will take place, although without vernissage At Artist’s gallery of  Martin Koroscha in Bremen five artists with five different views on this subject will meet. Beside my artworks you will find art pieces of …

  • 300‘ Birthday? Ok! Let`s celebrate one year later

    300‘ Birthday? Ok! Let`s celebrate one year later

      The 300 year anniversery of the City of Pyrmont is been canceled because of Corona. Some of my little Birthday works still are shown in the museum of Bad Pyrmont. Pls. find at the  Shop “Wake me up when it`s all over!”… Stay in good health…

  • Ringlein Ringlein on the hand…

    Ringlein Ringlein on the hand…

    Individualized jewellery with Anne Zimmer In cooperation with Anne Zimmer, small fine jewellery uniques are created. This time it should be a ring. The tiny bird is formed from a seed pod of an ornamental grass. It has a little similarity with a parakeet right? When I processed…